We see invisibility.
KGI creates a sustainable business vision for our clients.
Through our kitchen management tools, we aim to ensure food safety and workers’ safety in the food industry.

We are a team dedicated to improving the safety of the food industry.
We believe customers can truly enjoy meals when the food and worker in the kitchen are in perfect condition.
Why choose us
Remote Monitoring
Our flexible IoT solution sees invisibility via data collection. Counting on our precaution system of remote monitoring service, KGI endorses food and workers’ safety 24/7.
Rapid Cooling Technology
To produce safe packaged food by turning high-temperature food to less than 18 degrees Celsius within a short time. This technology saves energy, improves hygiene issues, and enhances your productivity.
Marketing Resources
KGI welcomes our certified partners to promote kitchen safety together. Your clients deserve to know your value and contribution to the food industry.